A Message from OMF Leadership
Open Medicine Foundation (OMF)’s Triple Giving Tuesday campaign is almost a week in! We want to take a moment to share a message from OMF leadership.
Watch the video now:
"ME/CFS takes an incredibly vital human and just puts them in a box that people don't even know they are living in anymore."
- A parent of a child with ME/CFS.
It’s time to help people suffering from ME/CFS to get better. And they deserve to get better.
With a foundation staff of patients, caregivers, and family members of people with ME/CFS, we know from first-hand experience how debilitating ME/CFS is — and we are united by our unwavering commitment to end this disease.
And thanks to the support of generous donors from across the globe, OMF is able to support the single largest, concerted nonprofit effort to understand, treat, and eventually cure ME/CFS and the myriad of related diseases.
With the establishment of five Collaborative Research Centers and a network of leading scientists, we are confident that our vision of a world free of ME/CFS is possible.

In the words of OMF Founder & CEO/President, Linda Tannenbaum, “Once we find a cure for ME/CFS, we’re going to figure out a lot of chronic complex diseases and be able to help millions and millions of people.”
Please be part of this historic effort by supporting #TripleGivingTuesday today. All gifts received from now until International Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2020, are triple matched, helping us to fast-track research into ME/CFS so that we can find treatments and a cure.
The challenges we face are real, and we are dedicated to finding answers.