OMF’s Successful Presence at IACFS in Florida

The Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) was present in the October 2016 IACFS conference (and NOVA’s preconference) to successfully focus on its main goals, open international collaboration and information dissemination, to fast track research and solutions for ME / CFS:

  • OMF’s president Linda Tannenbaum was joined by two members of our Scientific Advisory Board, Dr. Ron Davis (president) and Dr. David Bell (ME / CFS pioneer and pediatrician), and by our Director of Communications and Development, Marilyn Simon-Gersuk. All four were available around the clock to update patients, scientists and physicians about our latest findings.
  • Linda and Dr. Davis had many (discrete) meetings with expert scientists and physicians from the USA and abroad to exchange information and expertise. OMF is very much in favor of collaboration and is looking to differentiate our SAB fast with regard to gender, nationality, and expertise. More detailed information about these exciting new collaborations will be given in our next postings.
  • Many new scientists and physicians joined our platform officially, which is important, since not only will they be able to be informed as soon as new data are available, but our SAB will be able to get their expertise to fast track our research into fast go/no-go decisions.
  • This is the first time David Bell joined us to this event. Dr Bell is especially for parents of sick children a great source of expertise and knowledge.
  • OMF had again a discrete meeting with NIH, Vicky Whittemore, following up on several other discrete meetings both Linda and Dr. Davis had the last two years with Vicky Whittemore and other key people at NIH. OMF and NIH work closely together to fast track research.
  • OMF was kindly invited and introduced by Klimas (NOVA Southeastern University) to the preconference at NOVA about ME / CFS and GWI. Ron Davis chaired (and spoke in) the “Biomarkers and Subgroups” part. Linda hosted a session about collaboration, where Dr. Davis also spoke.

Stay tuned for more detailed information the next weeks and months.  Thank you for being our Partner!

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

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