Triple Giving Tuesday starts today:
Announcing our sixth Research Center!
From the desk of Linda Tannenbaum
Chief Executive Officer, Open Medicine Foundation
Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) is pleased to share, on the first day of our Triple Giving Tuesday campaign, some exciting research news!
As part of our mission to fund and facilitate urgent, open, and collaborative research, we are excited to announce that we have formally added a sixth center to our international OMF Collaborative Research Network to accelerate computational analysis.
With Wenzhong Xiao, PhD, as Director, the newly established Computational Research Center for Complex Diseases will analyze and provide critical information and insights into projects being conducted at the other five OMF funded research centers at Stanford, Harvard, Uppsala, Montreal, and Melbourne.
Please be part of this historic effort by supporting #TripleGivingTuesday today. All gifts received from now until International Giving Tuesday, November 30, 2021, are triple matched, helping us to fast-track research so that we can find treatments and a cure!
Dr. Xiao is a world-renowned expert in computational genomics and the Director of the Immuno-Metabolic Computational Center at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Harvard Medical School. He also leads a Computational Genomics Group at Stanford Genome Technology Center (SGTC). His research is at the intersection of computation, genomics, and medicine.
*Dr. Xiao is currently hiring for computational biologists/bioinformaticians to join his team. If interested, please visit this link to learn more.*
Dr. Xiao explains that the sixth Research Center includes:
Bioinformatics and computation, essential to research projects, from study design, performing the research, interpreting the results, and writing publications.
Development and application of state-of-the-art algorithms to integrate clinical phenotypes and molecular signatures of ME/CFS to uncover disease mechanisms and identify drug targets.
Establishment and maintenance of the OMF funded Data Center platform for open data sharing and online collaboration.

Computational analysis plays an essential role in OMF’s research strategy and the studies being conducted within the Collaborative Research Network. Because of the contributions of generous individuals like you, we can fund these critical efforts to interpret research data — data that is essential to developing diagnostic tools and treatments for millions living with multisystem chronic, complex diseases.

This #TripleGivingTuesday, generous OMF donors have agreed to TRIPLE match donations up to $600,000. That means when you donate $20, you really donate $60! And you can make a gift any day of the week now through International Giving Tuesday on November 30, 2021.
Your contribution made during the first week of Triple Giving Tuesday will jumpstart our campaign and show your support for cutting edge researchers like Dr. Xiao.
Donate today to ensure we can take advantage of the entire matching gift amount.
Give any amount, any day of the week — and your gift will be TRIPLED!