Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to the questions we get asked the most about OMF.

General Questions
If you are interested in participating in research studies, we encourage you to sign up for OMF StudyME Registry. OMF StudyME is a free global participant registry to help researchers connect with people who want to participate in research studies of ME/CFS, Long COVID, and related post-infection illnesses.
Signing up is easy and takes less than five minutes. Simply provide your contact details and specify your areas of interest. Once you are registered, we’ll send email notifications whenever there are research opportunities that align with your interests to potentially participate in surveys, laboratory studies, or treatment trials. Sign up here!
OMF cannot provide personalized medical recommendations for doctors. However, we can offer the following helpful resources and will continue to share reliable, verified information, as it is made available.
OMF is working hard behind the scenes to educate new and existing healthcare providers across the globe through our Medical Education Resource Center (MERC) in partnership with Bateman Horne Center. Learn more about the MERC and access patient resources.
Our goal is to empower you to take care of your health today, while we search for answers for tomorrow:
- Visit OMF’s resource center to find a list of helpful information for caregivers and people with ME/CFS, Long COVID, and related multi-system chronic, complex diseases (msCCD).
- Share the US ME/CFS Clinician Coalition Diagnostic Guidelines with your medical provider.
OMF does not offer patient services. Our primary focus is raising funds for research and medical education – a gap that we must urgently fill.
However, we can offer the following helpful resources and will continue to share reliable, verified information as it is made available. Our goal is to empower you to take care of your health today, while we search for answers for tomorrow.
- Visit OMF’s resource center to find a list of helpful information for caregivers and people with ME/CFS and related diseases, including handouts to share with your doctor.
- Print the US ME/CFS Clinician Coalition Diagnostic Guidelines to share with your medical provider.
We share your eagerness to find a diagnostic test, treatment, and cure, but we can’t predict when this will happen. OMF is fortunate to have an incredibly dedicated collaborative network of researchers who are working as hard as they can to find the answers we are all seeking as fast as possible.
We are very encouraged by the progress they are making at all six of our Collaborative Research Centers. Learn more about our progress by joining the OMF Community. Sign up for our email updates or follow us on social media:
Due to the high demand of requests, OMF cannot promote personal fundraisers for medical expenses at this time.
OMF is not authorized to review or comment on personal medical information. We are not directly involved in the research process. Our role is to ensure that each Collaborative Research Center has the financial resources required to run OMF funded studies.
If OMF seeks participants in any data gathering research project, we will email those requests to our database. If you don’t already receive email updates from OMF, you can sign up here.
Please email with your name and preferred contact information. We will forward your information, and a team member will get in touch if they are interested.
OMF relies on the expertise of our Scientific Advisory Board, the ME/CFS Clinical Coalition (a group of some of the most experienced ME/CFS doctors in the country), and our Research Directors at our six Collaborative Research Centers to recommend and choose our research projects. We are currently focused on finding a biomarker, diagnostic tool, and effective treatments for ME/CFS, Long COVID, and related multi-system chronic complex diseases (msCCD).
Learn more about current OMF funded research projects here.
Thank you for your offer to share information with us. If you have materials related to our current projects or research, you can send them to Please put “Research Ideas” in the subject line. A team member will review and forward as appropriate.
Currently, OMF is using volunteers for administrative functions on a seasonal basis.